What Are The Features Of Isolatıon Materıals?
- Isolation materials are materials used to reduce the energy flow that will occur in or out of different environments. In other words, they are insulation materials.
- We can list its features as follows according to evaluation of different perspectives..
- They help to save energy based on the use of natural resources in order to achieve building comfort conditions.
- It saves up to 70% of the energy used in the building in heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment By providing economic gain, when only 5% of the building construction cost is spent.
- It minimizes the air pollution that will arise from the operating systems by providing environmental gain.
- It provides satisfaction as a user, reduces heating, ventilation and air conditioning costs, and reduces energy by using energy more efficiently. It also ensures that limited natural resources are used for a longer period of time, leaving better and protected resources for future generations.
- It maintains the indoor air temperature balance during seasonal changes.
- It ensures the prevention of noise by minimizing the transmission of sound from the outdoor or indoor environment.
- It ensures the delay of the fire and prevents the growth of the fire to a great extent by constructing the appropriate material with the required detailing,.